Tuesday 22 November 2011

My first-hand Engg. college experience!!

Once upon a time, in a city called Bangalore, there was a college named Sir. Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya Institute Of Technology. Located in the outskirts of a hustling-bustling city, it was a little known Engg. college.

Stepping into the confines of the college was Armaan, a shy, hesitant boy, from Ranchi, a now famous but once obscure city. After 2 disastrous performances in the IIT-JEE and AIEEE entrance exams, his was the fate similar to most of the Northies seeking to eke out a career in an engineering college in Bangalore. Being the IT-hub, it toppled the other states in my preference list, as I knew that placements would be better here. I was lucky enough to get admission even here because of a few "tukkas" that went in my favour in the entrance exam! Swear to god, the only reason I took admission here was because of the name.. Visvesvaraya, whose spelling felt tougher than the JEE mains paper.. back then, of course!

Scene 1: Landing in Bangalore

After getting down at the railway station, which is a sham according to Bangalore standards, I went to the city's central bus stand hub, called Majestic. I must say it aptly lives up to its name. I was lucky enough to carry a hard-copy of the address, otherwise, the way I pronounced it would force any Karnataka-ite to commit suicide. Hunsamaranahalli..which I pronounced as Hans-mara-naha li..!!
After roaming around for half an hour like a kid whose lollipop has been stolen, I finally found it.. my bus!
It took me around an hour to reach my destination. After a 48-hour odyssey, from my town to bangalore, u can imagine the condition of my..!!

Scene 2: First View of College

The entry gate of my college reminded me of the condition of a 1960 Bajaj scooter of my neighbour.. rusted, dilapidated, trying ever so hard to serve its purpose, present at their respective places only because of nostalgia, it was there simply to inform the bhule-bhatke-rahis like me of where exactly the college starts from. However that was the only blip in an otherwise magnificent 130-acre campus. There was so much greenery that i felt that the trees inside the campus gave oxygen to half of Bangalore. There were different blocks for every dipartment, which is very rare for Bangalore colleges due to shortage of space.

There were 2 boys hostels: one was for the seniors & the other was for fuchhas like me. Believe me, I breathed a huge sigh of relief on hearing this! I booked the corner-most room (told u abt my shy nature back then). I was so happy that now I wont have any distractions and wud focus solely on my studies. My only purpose in my first year of college was to study, study and study (thats right..no girls) as my senior secondary aggregate was not something I wud like to remember..

Scene 3: Ragging

There were a few boys who had already reached 10-15 days in advance because of a communication problem between the authorities and the students about the actual commencement of the classes. They were the first "bakras" who suffered the most at the hands of the newly-crowned seniors, who were hunting for the juniors as though they had been starved of non-veg food for decades, and we were the fresh and delicious meat! Those boys were heavily in demand among the late arrivals, as they had already mugged up the name, department, native of most of the seniors. Infact they had a ready-made list, which had all these features along with some personality features for easy recall. e.g. long brown hair..fair..around 5'8''..mostly found in shorts..rahul, electronics, jaipur. It was like the real "entrance exam" after entering the college. We took xerox of the original list & most of us started mugging it with such concentration that if we had studied for the IITs with half as much concentration, none of us wud hav landed here!

And then came the dreaded announcement.. "BBC (basketball court) after tea!!"
I wish someone had taken a picture of our faces at that moment. We felt as though the judge has just awarded a death sentence to each of us. We somehow forced the tea down our throat & started walking towards the BBC. There were 3 seniors there, having snacks. I so wished he had his belly full so that he would spare my life. One was with his girlfriend. He stayed there and the rest 2 ordered us to follow them. We sincerely obeyed them. After some time we entered a Jungle..u heard it right..its there inside our college campus! My heart rate had just made a new Guiness World Record!!! I started imagining the scene from the famous movie "The legend of bhagat singh", where the 3 martyrs take the long walk down the corridor before being hanged. My dreaded fate slowly started becoming more & more conspicuous as the forest never seemed to end... Hanuman Chalisa...Gayatri Mantra suddenly became my best pals!

And then, finally, we reached THE WELL...surrounded by 20 seniors!!!

This is it.. Yes!! I knew it..i knew we hav been brought here so that nobody on earth can find our dead bodies. But one thing is for sure.. none of us are going to see tomorrow's daylight. I instantly knew that each of them would be having a knife/ sword with which they would cut our limbs one by one and throw the alms in the Holy Grail!!
But Alas! one of them told us..Relax juniors! We havent brought u here to kill u.. What?? Did I hear it correctly..? Did he jus say wat I think he said??? .... YEAH!!!!!!!! God exists.. It works.. The Gayatri Mantra.. The Hanuman Chalisa.. they work!! God exists!! Suddenly my belief in god reached an all time high..
And then they started distributing the meat (juniors) proportionately among all the seniors, so that no-one complains later that he was left to starve.

  • name- Armaan sir.
  • from- Ranchi sir.
  • full intro- dono the pattern sir.
  • shud i publish a guide so that Mr. Armaan doesnt face any problems while givin an intro..? .. no sir.
  • which degree are u about to pursue? engineering sir.
  • and u still don know how to give an introduction??!! sorry sir.
  • then he told me the pattern.. start again!! yes sir.
  • u smoke? no sir.. drink?? no sir.. hahahaha!! dont lie u moron..u look like a chain smoker!!
  • Actually sir.. my habits don't go with my looks!! Ohhho so u think ur funny eh?? no sir.. sorry sir!!
  • You plan to have a girl friend..? no sir.. ive come here to study! (Hit Wicket)
what..??? hey fellows.. listen up.. this boy has come here to study!! hahahaha... hahahaha... hahahaha!!! It seemed the gods had also started laughing after hearing my response!!
so wat hav we come here to do..? kill time?? how dare u insult us like that!!!??? sir.. no sir.. i mean sir.. i never said that sir.. But u meant that!!! nobody insults seniors such blatantly!!! I hadnt even uttered a word..

Full Name of ur college..? Sir. M. Visves... shut the fuck up! What the hell is "M"? dono sir...what???? u dont knw the full name of ur college..? is this what ur tryin to tell me?? no sir.. THEN???????
sir..woh.. kahin likha nahi hai.. so should Mr. Visvesvaraya himself come back from the dead n tell u what his full name is..? no sir.. then whose responsibility is it??? sir my sir..when r u going to tell me?? tomorrow sir.. tell me the exact time asshole.. sir..sir.. by afternoon!! it should reach my desk in room no- 302 by 12:00 p.m!! Am i sufficiently clear???
WOW.. wat a perfect room number!! most definitely sir..

U have committed 2 cardinal sins.. i cant simply let u go!! ul have to sing an item song & dance on it in a vulgar manner.. as a punishment!!!
Jesus!!! but still a mild punishment considering my state of mind & the extent to which i had imagined..

Announcement: All juniors are to wish their seniors any time of the day they come across them.. Anybody found wanting will not stay in the condition to wish anyone there onwards!! The names, dept. , native of each and every senior should be engraved in ur minds.. And none of u have told the full name of the coll.. should not happen again! And everybody in formals for the first 15 days minimum..

The next day, I wonder how Google did not crash due to the number of page requests requesting for "visvesvaraya wiki".. The boys announced it in the hostel. Many boys heard it wrong.. "Mokshacondom"..and some of them, believe me, mugged it up!!!!

...These were the happenings of my pre-1st day in college.. I wish i cover the 1st day onwards memories in my later blogs..